Additional information and further details for some of our interest groups can be seen using the blue links below.  (Please note that not all groups provide additional information.)

For privacy reasons some group leaders may not have provided contact details.  In these cases members should see the current Groups Directory via the Members Information page (password required), or contact the Groups Coordinator using the Contact Form.

Most groups are Open to new members, but some have Waiting lists and a few are Full.

As a quick guide, the Status of each group is indicated as follows:

O indicates a group that is open to new members;
W indicates a group that has a waiting list;
F indicates a group that is full and is not accepting new members.

SGroup NameMeets whenStart time
OAncient History2nd Wednesday13:45
OAntiques and Collectables3rd Thursdayam
OAnything Maritime and Military2nd Thursday10:30
OArt – Sketching Outdoors1st and 3rd Tuesday10:00
FBook Club1st Monday14:45
FThe Borrowers2nd Thursday10:30
FBuilding Visits2nd Mondaypm
OBuilding Visits 24th Monday14:00
OCanasta and BoliviaWeekly on a Wednesday10:15
OCard Making1st Tuesday14:00
OComputer HelpAs required-
OCountry Dancing1st & 3rd Friday14:00
FFamily History3rd Wednesday10:30
OFeatures and Facts4th Thursday13:45
OFilm UnitAs required-
OFrench Conversation 12nd & 4th Tuesdays10:30
OFrench Conversation 22nd and 4th Friday10:30
OFrom Script to Screen4th Tuesday (sometimes 5th Tues)14:00
OGarden VisitsNormally 4th Friday10:30
OGardening TogetherEvery Wednesday14:30
OGenealogy1st Friday09:30
OGerman ConversationEvery other Thursday14:00
FHistory of Art4th Monday13:30
OThe Hive (Volunteers)2nd Monday09:30
OIT Help Desk2nd Monday10:00
OItalian Conversation1st and 3rd Thursday10:30
OKnit and Natter1st Wednesday13:00
OLip-Reading1st Thursday 10:30
OLiterature3rd Monday10:30
OLooking at Art 13rd Thursday10:00
OLooking at Art 23rd Thursday14:00
OMahjongEvery Wednesday13:00
FMathematics2nd Tuesday14:00
OMedieval History3rd Wednesday14:00
OMeditationEvery Tuesday11:00
OMeet and Mix2nd Saturday10:30
OMUD Walks1st Thursday10:30
OMusic Appreciation2nd Friday10:30
OMyths and Legends1st Tuesday14:00
ONatural History Ramblers2nd and 4th Tuesdayusually 10:00
ONeedles3rd Wednesday13:00
OPhilology4th Tuesday14:00
OPhilosophical Discussion1st and 3rd Tuesday12:15
OPhotography1st Tuesday13:30
OPlay Reading1st Wednesday10:30
WPlay the BluesAlternate Thursdays14:00
OPoetry1st Wednesday10:00
OPortuguese1st & 3rd Monday10:30
OQuizzes and Quizzing2nd Friday10:15
ORecorder ConsortAlternate Tuesdays11:00
ORummikub3rd Monday13:30
ORussian Conversation1st & 3rd Fridays10:00
OScience & Technology1st Wednesday10:15
OShared Learning4th Tuesday11:30
OSocial Bridge 12nd Tuesday 14:00
OSocial Bridge 23rd Friday 14:00
FSpanish 11st & 3rd Fridays14:00
FSpanish 2 Culture, Basic Spanish1st & 2nd Monday14:00
OSpanish Improvers1st & 3rd Tuesday14:00
OSpanish Conversation Advanced2nd and 4th Mondays11:00
OSunday Lunch1st Sunday11:30
OSwimmingEvery Monday11:45
OUniversity EventsAs informed-
OWalking - Intermediate2nd Wednesday10:30
OWalking - Long Walks2nd and 4th Thursdays10:30
OWalking - Short Walks1st Tuesday & 3rd Friday10:30
OWatercolour Painting1st & 3rd Thursday11:00
OWeekenders1st Saturday10:30
OWildlife4th Thursday 10:15 for 10:30
OWine Appreciation 12nd Thursday14:15
FWine Appreciation 23rd Tuesday14:00
OWine Appreciation 34th Wednesday14:00
FWine Appreciation 42nd Monday14:00
OWordPressAs required-
OWorld Religions1st Tuesday10:30
FWriters1st Wednesday14:00
OYogaEvery Tuesday10:30
Maritime History Group

Maritime History Group

Intermediate Walks Group

Intermediate Walks Group take a ‘socially distanced’ lunch stop at Sibleyback Lake in October 2020