Group Coordinator Vacancy
Dear Plymouth u3a member,
Would you be interested in becoming the next Plymouth u3a Group Coordinator after the AGM in July 2025?
This is an interesting and important Committee Role. Most of the work is done online and you will build up good friendships with the Group Leaders and Plymouth u3a members. This online work should not take more than 1-2 hours a week and will involve answering online enquiries, sent to our email address, about finding and starting u3a Groups and helping members to join an existing Group.
In addition to this you will be asked to attend our once each month Executive Committee Meeting, 2 hours, (either by Zoom or in person) and our once each month General Meeting, 2 hours, at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel where you will have a designated table to help members with their enquiries.
If you need more information please reply to me at or write to Alyson Smith, our current Group Coordinator, on Alyson will train you for the work which you will find to be interesting and fun.